Comment PassMan

Password manager
All important data are password protected. So it is highly important that passwords might not be cracked with least effort.
Secure password should have a minimum length of 8 characters, they should consist of lowercase and uppercase characters as well as of numerics and special chars. But these passwords are difficult to remember. The consequence is that we tend to use simple and short passwords. Often prenames of family members. But such passwords are easy to encrypt.

          Main features:
  • Create and manage secure passwords.
  • Manage credit card data
  • Manage software license keys
  • Enter data by mouseclick into target fields(no typing).
  • Check passwords

Decrypt MD5
PassMan provides a feature to decrypt the original password from MD5 key. You will need the MD5 key of the forgotten password.

Detect Windows passwords
Detect user password of your Windows computer. Depending on the quality of the password the detection may take a very long time so it may be almost impossible.

Brute Force Demo
With Passman you are able to demonstrate brute frorce attacks to encrypt passwords and use this in Business trainings. Demonstrate how vulnerable weak passwords are. So this tool is very usefull for data security officers etc.
Passman is no hacker tool! The software was not designed to attack other computers or webservers.

Credit Card Data

Store your credit card data in a safe place

System requirements:
Windows 8, 10
Minimum screen resolution 1024x768
Free space on HD 20 MB
Language: English

64-bit version included

Business License

After receipt of your payment
you will get your download link by e-mail
Revocation policy


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